Saturday, November 04, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home is my most recent print. This is a tribute to the place where I grew up in Bradford, Pennsylvania. The house was torn down in 2005, so it is lost to the real world but still lives in the memory of many. This print was a challenge - 7 colors, many sittings and a limited edition. I learned a great deal in the process, and am eager to do more...

Divine Tomato

This was my second print. A four color reduction linocut. I created it in Raquel's studio in one sitting. For inspiration, I used a sliced tomato from the lunch platter. Upon looking closely at it, I discovered a dove, an angel, and the divine/sublime beauty of a simple fruit.


The clouds have been massing over Brisbane for a day, and now the rain has settled in for a long drizzle. Sometimes soft and sometimes strong on the tin roof. I have moved all the plants to the patio's edge and installed buckets to collect rain water. A good day to putter.